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I didn’t know much about vaginitis because I’m not a woman, but many women call me to inquire about vaginitis, so I searched and studied a lot while listening to the woman’s family.When I looked into it, I found that vaginitis is so common that almost all women are alive that it is said that they will definitely catch it once, but it was a disease that was likely to recur once it was caught it.

At this time, it is roasted without fructose, preservatives, preservatives, etc., so you can feel the taste and medicinal properties of dukdami as much as possible.It’s important to eat chronic vaginitis, but it’s better to keep it clean while washing it with water rather than wearing clothes with good ventilation to prevent it from getting wet during reproduction.

The smell may not be good, but without these two ingredients, Dokudami can’t be antibacterial.Vaginitis is literally a disease that causes inflammation of the vagina, which is caused by various bacteria and viruses.Therefore, controlling it with antibacterial fish grass can help to improve the vaginitis that makes you sick.

How should I eat fish vinegar?

Even if you go to the hospital and take medicine, you will have chronic vaginitis, which will recur.By the way, do your neighbors manage vaginitis separately? Seeing that most of them only go to the hospital, I think it will be difficult to find someone who manages them additionally.

At our farm, we decoct and send them to you.It has a fishy smell peculiar to Dokudami itself, but it’s so good that insects avoid eating it. So rather than eating it raw, I recommend you to dry it and boil it in tea or boil it in extract.

One or two out of ten female neighbors who call our farm call us because of vaginitis.One or two out of ten people talk, and they call me like this every day, but most of them have chronic vaginitis.Even though I had a treatment once, I am suffering from a relapse three to four times a year.

If you are infected with bacteria or viruses and your immune system becomes weak, you will be exposed easily. Antioxidants contained in fish plants have the effect of removing active oxygen that lowers immunity.Because of the structure of the reproductive organs, the anus and vagina are close to the inside, so vaginitis inevitably occurs frequently.However, if left unattended, it may cause pelvic inflammation or cystitis, and the bacteria may rise and cause cervical inflammation, so I’m worried a lot.Therefore, it is important to take additional control so that vaginitis does not recur.According to your neighbors, it seems that if you have one disease, the serious disease becomes chronic and recurs many times, so I think it’s really hard for women.What is chronic vaginitis? If it develops more than three times a year, it is judged to be chronic.When it is dry, the unique smell of Dokudami disappears and a slightly savory scent is given. You don’t have to worry when you eat with extract because the smell that was burdensome is removed to some extent as it dries up.Dry fish vinegar is boiled in low-temperature water for about 15 hours with only a small amount of natural rock water.It is the 88 herb that has been cultivated and juice-boiled since 1988.I named it Palpal herb to cheer people up.I will try to make the neighbor feel better with healthy soup.Why don’t you manage it with fish grass along with your lifestyle to prevent vaginitis?If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to call the farm number below.Vaginitis stinks so much that it makes my nose run wild, but it seems that if it recurs due to chronic vaginitis, stress is considerable.Some of the neighbors who call me cry because of vaginitis, and I always feel that women are having such a hard time whenever they say that they are stressed out enough to get depression after a recurrence.For those suffering from vaginitis, I recommend a medicinal herb called “Ushijo-susa.”Women already know this song. The herb is often used as a cleaning agent for women and is good for vaginitis.Fish grass smells like fish fish, but the ingredients that produce this smell are decanoyl acetaldehyde and lauryn aldehyde.Fish grasses also contain antioxidants such as quertitrin, flavonoids and polyphenols.In order to manage vaginitis, it is also important to choose something that improves your immune system as much as antibacterial action.Many people say that the lower the immune system, the more likely it is to recur, and the more likely it is to develop vaginitis.We help you by decocting our farm with extract. Collect fish grass grown by yourself and dry it at low temperature for a long time.Even if it takes a long time to reduce the damage of Dokudami’s medicinal properties, wouldn’t it be good to preserve the efficacy of Dokudami if it is dried carefully at a low temperature?A woman’s cold? Don’t leave her cold alone.The world has improved recently. There are various medicines, vitamins and supplements to prevent vaginitis.This makes it easier to manage. However, the problem is that it is difficult to find something that suits me.Therefore, I would like to introduce to my neighbors the management method that I have learned through 30 years of know-how.Therefore, if your immune system is weak or frequently weakened and vaginitis reappears, taking Dokudami will prevent your immune system from weakening, which will help prevent and improve vaginitis.ロード中… player_likesound_mutesound_mutesound_volume2sound_volume3[x]プレーヤーサイズ:0x0現在の解像度:0PMaxAbr解像度:0PPプロトコル:hls現在の帯域幅:平均帯域幅:バッファの状態:フレームドロップレート:0/0「ビデオ統計バージョン4.29.4(HLS)ビルド日(2022/8/31)」ネイバー株式会社 동영상 인코딩 중입니다.

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